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Click here to view information about reporting outages, view the outage map and winter storm safety information.
Click here to view the Winter Weather Policy for Trash Collection.
Click here for information on how to report power outages to Ameren Missouri.
Click here to view the Public Notice
Vinita Park is a Safe City.
As Mayor, I couldn't let another year begin without taking the opportunity to thank our Police Chief and the men and women of the Vinita Park Police Department . Without the protection they afford us, Vinita Park would not be the family friendly community it is today. They put their lives on the line for us every day and stand between us and the ravages of drugs and crimes against property and individuals.
They have also managed to earn the respect of the citizens of our community by treating residents with the respect and professionalism we all deserve. It is not an easy job to respond to domestic disturbances or a report of a suspicious person wandering our streets. But just as important as our maintaining high standards of discipline, training, and proper equipment is that we have the cooperation and support of the citizens of Vinita Park.
We need each and every citizen to make a resolution to call the police whenever you hear or see something suspicious. Your calls are strictly confidential and help to make our entire community safer and stronger. If you would like to get actively involved , I would encourage you to join our Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.). You can receive free training, learn how a working police department functions, get to know our fine police professionals, and be able to assist others by being our first responders in an event of an emergency. C.E.R.T. is open to adults of all ages. For more information call Chief Buchannan at (314) 499-6090.
Let's make Vinita Park an even safer place to live and raise our families.
Mayor James W. McGee
*24:1 Community - RWJF Culture of Health Prize Video